A very friendly girl, Pearl is most unique and quite the character. First of all, she is an unusual color — black brindle. She has tufts of golden-brown fur very lightly scattered throughout her black coat. Secondly, despite her small size (56#), she is “high flying”. She jumps the inside pet gate at AAGA as well as the 5-foot fence outside. What’s more, she has been known to pick up relatively heavy objects and carry them over the jumps with her. And lastly, when it’s time to eat, she likes to lie down and have you place her dish between her paws. Maybe she was “spoiled” at the track because she was a very good racer. Over her career she was “in the money” 56% of the time and earned 4.0 performance points.

Age: 3 y/o
Sex: Female
Color: Black Brindle
Cat Tolerant: Yes