FOUND A SPECIAL HOME! Ace is a handsome 3-year-old guy, so sleek and shiny. He’s on the small side for a male – raced at 68 pounds – but has a huge personality. He is so happy, so puppy-like, so affectionate, and so full of joy, you can’t help but fall in love with him. So, why does he need a special home? Ace has been diagnosed with Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), a rare eye disease in Greyhounds. While PRA is totally painless, there is, unfortunately, no treatment, which means that Ace will eventually go blind, probably within the next 2 years. While we humans find this sad, blindness does not mark the end of a long normal and rewarding life for dogs. They totally adjust to the gradual loss of sight by increasing reliance on their other senses, particularly scent and sound. There are whole books and websites that give tips and tricks for living with a blind dog: don’t rearrange the furniture often; use scent markers (e.g., candles, plug-ins) in different rooms; wear a bell; use squeaky toys; block hazards with baby-gates, plants or other objects; use floor mats and rugs the dog can identify by feel; perhaps have another dog the affected one can rely on, etc. (We have a dog who boards at AAGA often who’s been totally blind for 6 years, and he, his “sister” Grey and his adopters do just fine.) We expect this super outgoing and endearing boy will have no problem coping with his vision loss and feel that he deserves a loving forever home of his own! Could you be that special adopter he is looking for???

Age: 3 y/o
Sex: Male
Color: Black
Cat Tolerant: Yes